martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Documentary HAPPY

Watch this documentary and answer these questions:
1 Can happiness be measured?
2 Which is the most popular class at Harvard University?
3 Are our circumstances essential or important for our happiness?
4 What can you do in order to be happy?
5 Can you explain the term 'FLOW'?
6 Do you think that Melissa Moody has reasons to be unhappy?
 Can you explain why she is so well with herself and her life?
7 Does money change your situation/mood when you are poor?
8 Does money change your situation/mood when you have plenty?
9 Why does Blanchard's family live so happily?
10 What are intrinsic goals?
11 Are intrinsic goals less or more important than extrinsic goals?
12 Which is the least happy occidental country? Why?
13 Which are the happiest countries? Why?
14 Why is social cooperation beneficial for humans?
15  What is the best thing we can do for a child?
16 What do people do in Namibia when somebody gets ill?
17 Why does Dalai Lama praise mothers?
18 Can meditation change our brains?
19 What can happen if you count your blessings once a week?
20 The world would be a better place if we...

Final personal question: What is happiness for you?

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